Specialized Dental office in Gravina in Puglia

Constant updating allows us to adopt state-of-the-art techniques.

Contact the office for more information, a quote or an appointment.

Contact us

The Agostinacchio Dental Office in Gravina in Puglia deals with : 

oral surgery, implantology, guided implant surgery, immediate load implantology, fixed and mobile prosthetics, periodontology, cosmetic dentistry, dental veneers, conservative and endodontics, children's dentistry, traditional orthodontics, invisible orthodontics, oral hygiene and prevention, dental whitening, temporomandibular joint disorders, conscious sedation.

We are able to establish a relationship of total trust between doctor and patient, instilling a feeling of serenity and reliability. 

In our practice we use the most advanced techniques following international protocols of quality and safety, to always improve our performance and ensure total peace of mind during surgery.

Mission Smile

A beautiful smile, with harmonious and well aligned lower and upper arches, is a functional necessity which allows for correct chewing and avoids jaw and neck pain. Also from an aesthetic point of view, a beautiful smile contributes to our psychophysical well-being and makes us feel better around others.

Missione sorriso

Un bel sorriso, arcate inferiori e superiori armoniose e ben allineate, sono funzionali alla corretta masticazione ed evitano dolori mandibolari e cervicali. Anche dal punto di vista estetico, un bel sorriso contribuisce al nostro benessere psicofisico e ci fa star meglio anche con gli altri.

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